保洁员岗位职责 Chapter 1 the responsibility of the cleaning staff 1、严格遵守公司各项规章制度。 Strictly observe the rules and regulations of the company. 2、文明服务、礼貌待人,并注意保持个人的仪容仪表,树立良好形象。 Be polite and courteous, and be careful to maintain your personal appearance and appearance. 3、爱岗敬业,听从上级领导指挥,在规定时间内按照工作标准,保质保量地完成各自分管区域内的保洁工作。 To be a professional, to follow the leadership of the supervisor, to meet the standard of work within the stipulated time, and to complete the cleaning work in the respective area of the branch. 4、遵守考勤制度,按时上下班,不迟到、早退,不旷工离岗,工作时间不干私活,不做与工作无关的事情。 Observe the system of attendance, get to work on time, don't be late, leave early, don't leave work, don't do any private work, don't do anything unrelated to work. 5、发扬互助精神,支持同事工作,以礼相待。 Promote mutual support, support colleagues and treat them with courtesy. 6、清洁过程若发现异常现象,如跑、冒、漏水和设备设施损坏、故障等,及时报告主管领导或专管人员,并有义务监视事态过程或采取有效措施,控制事态发展,必要时积极协助专业人员排除故障。 6, cleaning process if found abnormal phenomenon, such as running, running, leaking and damage to equipment and facilities, such as failure, timely report to the competent leadership or charge of personnel, and have a duty to monitor developments in process or take effective measures to control the situation and actively assist professional troubleshooting when necessary. 7、 妥善保管清洁工具和用品,不得丢失和人为损坏,不得将清洁工具和用品私借他人使用或带回家中使用,如损坏或遗失工具照价赔偿。 7, properly keep cleaning tools and supplies, shall not be lost and artificial damage, shall not cleaning tools and supplies private borrow others use or home use, such as damage or loss tool compensation accordingly.
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