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Housekeeping common sense
Wipe furniture should use cotton yarn, soft cloth, do not scrub with water, don't even use soap water or salt water, which will affect the surface of furniture, even cause paint falls off. A cup of hot boiling water white speckling in the furniture paint film, two methods can be used for very hot mark: (1) use kerosene or alcohol to wipe toilet water solvent (2) with cork dipped in tea juice wipe
A simple method of restoring the gloss of furniture: add a little vinegar in hot water and gently wipe with soft cloth and vinegar water. After the water is completely dried, the polish can be restored with the polish of the light wax in the furniture. Beautiful white furniture time is long, will become yellow, too unbeautiful, if the use of toothpaste wiping, it will change. But the operation can not be too hard, otherwise it will damage the film.

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