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岗位职责: Job responsibilities:   1、仪容端正、着装整齐,服从公司的统一调度和工作安排。 1, dress neatly, dress neatly, obey the company's unified schedule and the work arrangement.   2、按公司要求高标准做好责任区内的清扫保洁工作。 Be responsible for cleaning and cleaning in the area according to the requirement of the company.   3、及时纠正责任区内装修垃圾及生活垃圾的乱堆乱放行为。 3, rectify the mess of garbage and garbage in the responsibility area in a timely manner.   4、按时收集小区的生活垃圾并清运至指定地点;定期对小区公共部位进行消杀工作。 Collect the garbage in the neighborhood and transport it to the designated place in time. The public parts of the community should be destroyed regularly.   5、协助管理处做好小区安防工作,发现可疑人或事,应立即向管理处负责人报告。 Assist the administrative department in the area of security work, find out suspicious persons or events, report to the management officer immediately.   6、负责收集住户对小区环卫及管理服务工作的意见和建议,及时向领导汇报;做好责任区环境卫生宣传和管理工作台。 To collect the residents' opinions and Suggestions on the work of the community sanitation and management services, and promptly report to the leaders; To be responsible for the environmental health promotion and management of the area.   7、完成公司临时指派的其他工作。 Complete other tasks assigned by the company.


网站建设及优化:保定遨游公司 版权所有@张家口保洁公司

转让电话:13313028229  网址:www.zhangjiakou.71ix.cn

友链:精密铸造 废旧电缆回收电话 托辊生产线 打桩机锤头