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真皮沙发如何保养? How to maintain the leather sofa? 1、真皮沙发买到家后,首先用庄臣的“立新保养蜡”把沙发上一层保护膜,以免尘垢、汗渍浸入到沙发毛孔里,日后就很难清洁了。 1, the dermal sofa to buy after I get home, first with the sc "model of maintenance of wax" a layer of protective film on the sofa, in order to prevent dirt, perspiration permeated the sofa in pore, it is difficult to clean in the future. 2、每月用(高级保养蜡)将沙发清洁保养一次;夏季的时候,由于人出汗较多,每个星期都应保养一次。切不可等沙发脏了以后再清洁,那就很难清洁到原样了。很多清洁剂对 2, use (high maintenance wax) every month to clean the sofa once; During the summer, people should be maintained once a week because of more sweat. When the sofa is dirty and cleaned, it will be difficult to clean it up. A lot of detergents are right 皮质都是有伤害的,当时清洁时是很难看出的,日子久了就出问题了,真正的真皮沙发,其皮质很珍贵,如同人的皮肤一样,需要用心去维护保养,只有保养好了,您的真皮沙发才能长久如新,为您带来生活的享受。 Cortex were hurt when the cleaning is difficult to see, when the time is long out of the question, the real leather sofa, the cortex is very precious, like a person's skin, need maintenance, only to maintain good, your leather sofa can for a long time, such as new, to bring you the enjoyment of life.

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