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Toilet cleat
See whether the home is clean, to see whether the toilet is clean, and the toilet is clean, to see if the toilet is clean. The toilet is used as a place to remove dirt. It needs to be cleaned regularly.
Cleaning the toilet, can be a cup of white vinegar with a little baking soda and mix thoroughly fell in the toilet, in 10 to 15 minutes later with a brush to wipe off stains, water rinse several times to achieve the purpose of cleaning. If the toilet has been yellowed for a long time, it can be poured into coke, and most of the dirt can be removed. If there is stubborn stains, it is necessary to use the brush to further clean.
The most direct contact is the toilet seat. When cleaning the toilet, special disinfectant or baking soda will be used to disinfect the cushion. Many people like to clean toilets with hot water. They think they will achieve better cleaning effect. Remind these friends that they can't use hot water with temperature over 60 degrees, otherwise, they can cause toilet cracking.

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